Star Sonata 2: Betatest
Artikel erstellt von Doppelpunkt am 30.08.2011.
Landauer Games hat den Betatest zum MMO Star Sonata 2 angekündigt. Start ist der 10. September.
Vom Stil her an das bekannte Star Sonata angelehnt, bietet der Titel folgende Besonderheiten:
- Action-based combat and movement
- 8 classes, 4 trade skills, and 127 total skills that the players can train as they progress.
- Almost 2000 missions
- Thousands of different items that can be obtained or constructed
- Sandbox style universe with persistent space bases, colonies, automated trading ships, and defensive drones.
- RTS-like controls for controlling your slave ships, combat drones, and bases
- Universe separated into PvP and non-PvP zones
- Players can advance economically by trading between bases, creating their own bases and colonies, killing enemies, collecting PvP bounties, or completing missions.
- The universe "resets" every 3-4 months and re-randomizes most of the galaxies creating new conflict where there once was settled borders.
- A player can "win" the game by declaring himself emperor and defending his palace successfully until the end of a universe.
Das Spiel wird für den PC erscheinen. Zur Beta kan man sich auf dieser Seite anmelden.
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