Brink: Combo-Packs auf XBL
Wer die Combo-Packs aus der Vorbestellung verpasst hat, kann dies nun nachholen. Publisher Bethesda hat hierzu Details über Inhalt und Preis bekannt gegeben.
Für 160 Microsoft Points pro Pack kann man zwischen zwei Versionen wählen:
Fallout/SpecOps Pack
• Unique Fallout Vault 101 body tattoo
• Exclusive Vault 101 (Security) and Fallout New Vegas Vault Boy (Resistance) customized skins for the CARB-9 SMG
• Exclusive Fallout Vault 101 (Security) and Fallout New Vegas Vault Boy (Resistance) t-shirts
• Exclusive Vault-Tec beanie cap (Security) and Fallout bandana (Resistance)
• Exclusive weapon: the “Hockler” Machine-Pistol
• Exclusive “GreenEye” Combat Optical Scope
• Exclusive Security “Sloani” Combat Mask
• Unique Dogtag body tattoo
DOOM/Psycho Pack
• Unique “Hellspawn” body tattoo
• Exclusive UAC (Security) and Cacodemon (Resistance) customized skins for the Bulpdaun SMG
• Exclusive UAC Marine Body Armor (Security) and Lost Soul Screaming Skull (Resistance) t-shirts
• Exclusive UAC beanie cap (Security) and DOOM bandana (Resistance)
• Exclusive weapon: the “Caesar” Revolver
• New attachments: The Resistance’s improved Soda Can Silencer and Security’s ArkTactical Silencer
• Exclusive Resistance “The Grin” Combat Mask
• Unique “Tortured Soul” body tattoo
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